
The next logical step in the Tea Party movement....

April 15, 2009 Thousands of people protested around the country about overspending and out of control government. Liberals laughed and pointed... They called us extremists.

September 12, 2009 Unbiased (British) media report around one million people march on Washington D.C. to demonstrate their rage over governments disregard for our wishes.

The liberals and "moderates" continue to thumb their noses at us, and spend faster than WE can produce. The only logical progression I can see is, for EVERYONE who thinks D.C. needs a reality check, to start stamping government checks "NSF".... We have to show the world (particularly China) that we will no longer be used as collateral for loans, to fund programs that are not within the scope of the Constitution.

How to do this?

I propose that for the month of December, everyone upset by government run amok, file a new W-4 form with enough "allowances" (See note 1 below) to prevent withholding for just ONE month. This shouldn't change your overall tax liability at filing all that much, but it will put a MAJOR crimp in government cash flow.

(Note 1) The tax code uses the most perverted definitions.... Allowances.... things "allowed" to limit you liability. "unearned income" income earned by means OTHER than physical or mental labor i.e. investment income. I didn't EARN it, if I figured out a way to save, invest, creating jobs, wealth etc???

****I am not an accountant nor an attorney, and this should not be interpreted as tax or legal advice, merely as a possible political move to show Washington our resolve*******


Even after time IN the Legislative Branch?


Even after time in the legislative branch, Obama apparently doesn't understand the role of each branch of government. The president is NOT repeat NOT responsible for helping to craft legislation. (I'm not even going to get into the ridiculousness of federal anti-texting legislation) I agree with the Read the Bills Act, but maybe the Organizer in Chief could start with Constitution and confine his actions in the legislative process to the responsibilities delegated to HIM! (But I guess he would have too much time on his hands if he stopped legislating, pushing legislation, campaigning for the Olympics, running the auto business etc...)



I have not been keeping up on blogging, but it has been a very busy period of time in the Butler household. I realize this isn't a personal blog, but this demonstrates some of my underlying opinions.

We are buying a house. I know that there is doom and gloom in the news, I know that we currently are fighting against an out of control government. I know that the economy is in a deep recession, possibly even headed into a true depresssion.

But this is ALL secondary. We live in a country that has a Constitution designed to protect us against the government. We still have enough people who believe in the rights of people to life liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness.... I hope it comes about peacefully, but I know that one way or another it will come back to a freedom, capitalistic REPUBLIC. I have faith in the American people.


Obama agrees that anger based on opinion not race.

Obama states, "But I think if you actually put your finger on what this argument's really about. And it's an argument that's gone on for the history of this republic," Obama continued. "And that is, what's the right role of government? How do we balance freedom with our need to look after one another?"

"There's been a long-standing debate in this country that is usually that much more fierce during times of transition, or when presidents are trying to bring about big changes," Obama told CNN.

The first parts of these quotes are VERY correct. Maybe he should actually respect the majority opinion, and leave us the hell alone. The second half of the quote are very indicative of how he feels about ramming this poison pill down our throats.

Why do YOU think that the VAST majority of the healthcare bill is delayed until AFTER the 2012 presidential election? But it's imperative that we cram this down America's throat as quickly as possible, so that the American people don't have the time or ability to respond. The Republican plan of taking money and giving it to private business is NO better. We really need someone to step up and present a DIFFERENT opinion. NO to SOCIALIZED MEDICINE! It doesn't matter whether it's NAZI or COMMUNIST..... NO!!!!!!!!!!!


The comparison between Obama and Hitler.

I had a rare agreement with my liberal sister the other day. She commented on the disingenuousness of comparing Obama and Hitler. Hitler was a fascist, which from the purely economical standpoint is more similar to the neo-con viewpoint of taxing and redistributing to elite business owners. Which to be honest is what the Republicans in the legislative branch are recommending in their versions of health care "reform". They want to REQUIRE insurance, then subsidize those who can't afford it by giving money to insurance companies to cover their premiums. Take from the poor and control the use of the funds.

So let's be honest here.... Obama's plan is more communist than fascist. It is take from the rich and give to the poor. If Stalin was more recognized as the Communist butcher he was, then we could be more accurate when we march to protest this "change" Let's compare Obama to Stalin and we can put the little Hitler mustache on..... Well I guess the Republican party would actually have to put up a viable leader to have someone to hold accountable for their version of socialism.



Amazing to me how the mainstream media will only report what agrees with their socio-political goals. They are reporting "thousands" of people showed up in Washington D.C. today.... That is true when you consider that most reports I've seen have attendance somewhere well over one hundred thousand. I guess that would be accurate to call it thousands, but definitely intentionally misleading. Of course they will be termed "astroturf teabaggers" by the liberal mainstream press. Granted most people travelled there on their own dime. The mall was PACKED!

Good job guys, way to show D.C. that there are some true patriots out there still, ready to show D.C. a force to be reckoned with. I'm betting they would have never let them get anywhere NEAR the capitol building if they had known how many people were going to be there.

One voice...

I am in complete agreement with Obama's "Fired up, Ready to go" message... Every time he speaks he gets the American heartland fired up and ready to go. 2010 here we come. We are Fired up and READY TO GO!!!