Even after time in the legislative branch, Obama apparently doesn't understand the role of each branch of government. The president is NOT repeat NOT responsible for helping to craft legislation. (I'm not even going to get into the ridiculousness of federal anti-texting legislation) I agree with the Read the Bills Act, but maybe the Organizer in Chief could start with Constitution and confine his actions in the legislative process to the responsibilities delegated to HIM! (But I guess he would have too much time on his hands if he stopped legislating, pushing legislation, campaigning for the Olympics, running the auto business etc...)
I have not been keeping up on blogging, but it has been a very busy period of time in the Butler household. I realize this isn't a personal blog, but this demonstrates some of my underlying opinions.
We are buying a house. I know that there is doom and gloom in the news, I know that we currently are fighting against an out of control government. I know that the economy is in a deep recession, possibly even headed into a true depresssion.
But this is ALL secondary. We live in a country that has a Constitution designed to protect us against the government. We still have enough people who believe in the rights of people to life liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness.... I hope it comes about peacefully, but I know that one way or another it will come back to a freedom, capitalistic REPUBLIC. I have faith in the American people.
We are buying a house. I know that there is doom and gloom in the news, I know that we currently are fighting against an out of control government. I know that the economy is in a deep recession, possibly even headed into a true depresssion.
But this is ALL secondary. We live in a country that has a Constitution designed to protect us against the government. We still have enough people who believe in the rights of people to life liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness.... I hope it comes about peacefully, but I know that one way or another it will come back to a freedom, capitalistic REPUBLIC. I have faith in the American people.
Obama agrees that anger based on opinion not race.
Obama states, "But I think if you actually put your finger on what this argument's really about. And it's an argument that's gone on for the history of this republic," Obama continued. "And that is, what's the right role of government? How do we balance freedom with our need to look after one another?"
"There's been a long-standing debate in this country that is usually that much more fierce during times of transition, or when presidents are trying to bring about big changes," Obama told CNN.
The first parts of these quotes are VERY correct. Maybe he should actually respect the majority opinion, and leave us the hell alone. The second half of the quote are very indicative of how he feels about ramming this poison pill down our throats.
Why do YOU think that the VAST majority of the healthcare bill is delayed until AFTER the 2012 presidential election? But it's imperative that we cram this down America's throat as quickly as possible, so that the American people don't have the time or ability to respond. The Republican plan of taking money and giving it to private business is NO better. We really need someone to step up and present a DIFFERENT opinion. NO to SOCIALIZED MEDICINE! It doesn't matter whether it's NAZI or COMMUNIST..... NO!!!!!!!!!!!
"There's been a long-standing debate in this country that is usually that much more fierce during times of transition, or when presidents are trying to bring about big changes," Obama told CNN.
The first parts of these quotes are VERY correct. Maybe he should actually respect the majority opinion, and leave us the hell alone. The second half of the quote are very indicative of how he feels about ramming this poison pill down our throats.
Why do YOU think that the VAST majority of the healthcare bill is delayed until AFTER the 2012 presidential election? But it's imperative that we cram this down America's throat as quickly as possible, so that the American people don't have the time or ability to respond. The Republican plan of taking money and giving it to private business is NO better. We really need someone to step up and present a DIFFERENT opinion. NO to SOCIALIZED MEDICINE! It doesn't matter whether it's NAZI or COMMUNIST..... NO!!!!!!!!!!!
The comparison between Obama and Hitler.
I had a rare agreement with my liberal sister the other day. She commented on the disingenuousness of comparing Obama and Hitler. Hitler was a fascist, which from the purely economical standpoint is more similar to the neo-con viewpoint of taxing and redistributing to elite business owners. Which to be honest is what the Republicans in the legislative branch are recommending in their versions of health care "reform". They want to REQUIRE insurance, then subsidize those who can't afford it by giving money to insurance companies to cover their premiums. Take from the poor and control the use of the funds.
So let's be honest here.... Obama's plan is more communist than fascist. It is take from the rich and give to the poor. If Stalin was more recognized as the Communist butcher he was, then we could be more accurate when we march to protest this "change" Let's compare Obama to Stalin and we can put the little Hitler mustache on..... Well I guess the Republican party would actually have to put up a viable leader to have someone to hold accountable for their version of socialism.
So let's be honest here.... Obama's plan is more communist than fascist. It is take from the rich and give to the poor. If Stalin was more recognized as the Communist butcher he was, then we could be more accurate when we march to protest this "change" Let's compare Obama to Stalin and we can put the little Hitler mustache on..... Well I guess the Republican party would actually have to put up a viable leader to have someone to hold accountable for their version of socialism.
Amazing to me how the mainstream media will only report what agrees with their socio-political goals. They are reporting "thousands" of people showed up in Washington D.C. today.... That is true when you consider that most reports I've seen have attendance somewhere well over one hundred thousand. I guess that would be accurate to call it thousands, but definitely intentionally misleading. Of course they will be termed "astroturf teabaggers" by the liberal mainstream press. Granted most people travelled there on their own dime. The mall was PACKED!
Good job guys, way to show D.C. that there are some true patriots out there still, ready to show D.C. a force to be reckoned with. I'm betting they would have never let them get anywhere NEAR the capitol building if they had known how many people were going to be there.
Good job guys, way to show D.C. that there are some true patriots out there still, ready to show D.C. a force to be reckoned with. I'm betting they would have never let them get anywhere NEAR the capitol building if they had known how many people were going to be there.
One voice...
I am in complete agreement with Obama's "Fired up, Ready to go" message... Every time he speaks he gets the American heartland fired up and ready to go. 2010 here we come. We are Fired up and READY TO GO!!!
Fraud in healthcare...
If we can fix healthcare by eliminating fraud as the organizer in chief claims, why haven't we been prosecuting the perpetrators of the purported fraud? Obama states in his standard healthcare speech that fraud is rampant in healthcare. Now we need NEW laws and regulation to protect consumers against things that are already crimes? I don't understand this. If this is truly fraud, prosecute it and fix healthcare please Mr. Obama....
When does it become YOUR deficit Mr. President?
After six months and several MASSIVE spending bills later the federal deficit is still the previous administrations responsibility? I understand that George W. Bush was responsible for massive deficits (and is as guilty of treason as our current president), but honestly people.... Do the sheep I see every day wearing their "yes we can" t-shirts really believe this? At what point is he responsible for himself? Can I blame my parents for the way I act right now even though I have been on my own for ten years now?
Not getting any proposals from the Republican side of the aisle?
The president states he isn't hearing anything from the Republican side of the aisle.... Republican Legislators have offered thirty five health care reform proposals, and NONE of them have even been granted a committee hearing. This is the "change" we got? No more partisan politics is the promise we get every election, and every time we end up with the majority party alternating between pointing their fingers at the minority and saying "they won't work with us" and then just doing whatever the majority party wanted to do in the first.
Really? Wishes and Dreams Won't Pay For Healthcare Reform?
AP reports just in.... http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gMZKJkfO_dVJB2LA53VeI61S8nAAD9AKNG6G1
Costs will INCREASE to existing policyholders? But the Chosen One said I could keep my policy.... OHHHH, that's right he didn't elaborate on how an insurance business would have to pass along those taxes, to existing consumers. What happens when I can't afford my current policy anymore? Requiring pre-existing condition coverage, also will increase premium costs, a fact that no one on the socialized medicine bandwagon wants to admit.
I wish we could all live in the world of rainbows, and gumdrops that our president apparently does, with his glowing beautiful, albeit vague plans to insure the uninsured.
Costs will INCREASE to existing policyholders? But the Chosen One said I could keep my policy.... OHHHH, that's right he didn't elaborate on how an insurance business would have to pass along those taxes, to existing consumers. What happens when I can't afford my current policy anymore? Requiring pre-existing condition coverage, also will increase premium costs, a fact that no one on the socialized medicine bandwagon wants to admit.
I wish we could all live in the world of rainbows, and gumdrops that our president apparently does, with his glowing beautiful, albeit vague plans to insure the uninsured.
Pay NO Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain...
Last night President Obama stood before Congress and said that he would not sign a healthcare bill that adds "one dime to the deficit", even by D.C. standards this is an incredible statement. Even by the C.B.O.'s incredibly optimistic (and ALWAYS lowball) projections, the healthcare bill will add at least $220 billion to the deficit.
At the same time Democrats are claiming that you can keep your plan, your doctor, etc. This just states that there is no REQUIREMENT for you to change, it doesn't guarantee that your insurance company (or doctor for that matter) will choose to continue offering coverage or services. If pre-existing condition coverage is mandated, COSTS will go up throwing millions people out of coverage.
Even if they kill the "public option", the bills as they stand MANDATE coverage, something that will guarantee that many small businesses and sole proprietorships will be forced out of business.
In the end the White House, Congress and the Senate are asking us to ignore some very blatant misdirection so that they can force something down our throat telling us it's medicine.
At the same time Democrats are claiming that you can keep your plan, your doctor, etc. This just states that there is no REQUIREMENT for you to change, it doesn't guarantee that your insurance company (or doctor for that matter) will choose to continue offering coverage or services. If pre-existing condition coverage is mandated, COSTS will go up throwing millions people out of coverage.
Even if they kill the "public option", the bills as they stand MANDATE coverage, something that will guarantee that many small businesses and sole proprietorships will be forced out of business.
In the end the White House, Congress and the Senate are asking us to ignore some very blatant misdirection so that they can force something down our throat telling us it's medicine.
The 545 people by Charley Reese
Yesterday a dear friend forwarded me an email entitled "545 People". I respect this person greatly, so I read it. It was supposed to be an editorial by Charley Reese. The truth in it was compelling, so I forwarded it on. I have since come to find out that it was a slightly modified version of an editorial from twenty four years ago when Ronald Reagan was president. It goes to demonstrate quite effectively, that though the faces in Washington may change, the underlying root of the problem doesn't. Charley states that there are 535 people to blame for bad government. One President, nine Supreme Court Justices, one hundred Senators and four hundred thirty five Congressmen. I heartily recommend it!
Reprinted here
Reprinted here
Brad Pitt, Marijuana, and eliminating a future political career
No I did NOT smoke pot. I wasn't even present around people smoking pot until fairly recently, and exposure just strengthened my opinion that drugs should be legalized. This support is what guarantees I won't be seen as a viable candidate for any government office. (Anti drug law being used as the reason we need the massive police presence in our lives... Have to win the war on drugs you see...)
Brad Pitt has recently come under fire for being a drug user. I don't support people wasting their lives (and money) on drugs, though I hardly think that Brad can be described as a burnout.
That being said, I don't understand where precisely, the Constitution permits the outlaw of ingestion of certain substances... It certainly didn't allow for the outlaw of alchohol, hence the passage and repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment. Yet suddenly the government decided that they could hide anything under the "interstate commerce" clause. This is one of the most pernicious uses of law in the history of man. The interstate commerce clause is now used for laws governing production of food products inside state lines, firearm production sales and possession, drugs, minimum wage laws just to name a few.
Drug law is the basis for most of the police state policies we currently have, and will likely be the pretext used when it comes time to arrest and imprison anyone who speaks out against the current administration.
Brad Pitt has recently come under fire for being a drug user. I don't support people wasting their lives (and money) on drugs, though I hardly think that Brad can be described as a burnout.
That being said, I don't understand where precisely, the Constitution permits the outlaw of ingestion of certain substances... It certainly didn't allow for the outlaw of alchohol, hence the passage and repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment. Yet suddenly the government decided that they could hide anything under the "interstate commerce" clause. This is one of the most pernicious uses of law in the history of man. The interstate commerce clause is now used for laws governing production of food products inside state lines, firearm production sales and possession, drugs, minimum wage laws just to name a few.
Drug law is the basis for most of the police state policies we currently have, and will likely be the pretext used when it comes time to arrest and imprison anyone who speaks out against the current administration.
"It's time to act and get this thing done!" Why, do you think?
An almost angry President Obama took stage a union gathering yesterday, stating that debate needs to come to an end, and it is time to act and pass a healthcare reform bill... Why the rush President Obama? Are you concerned that MORE people will actually read this bill and determine exactly what you are after? Or maybe you are concerned that failure to keep people focused on this misdirection, might result in more people paying attention to the Petrobras/Soros payoff you made just last month. If insurance companies kill the public option, yet you still pass this law, it will be ANOTHER example of public tax dollars going to private enterprise and further lining the pockets of the people behind your election, because insurance will be mandated, but subsidized for "the needy"...
The real reason this must get passed really does come down to poll numbers. The longer this drags on the lower his approval ratings drop, and as a socialist leader, his ability to maintain power stems from his "cult of personality" rather than any real systemic change.
The real reason this must get passed really does come down to poll numbers. The longer this drags on the lower his approval ratings drop, and as a socialist leader, his ability to maintain power stems from his "cult of personality" rather than any real systemic change.
Speech to kids.... Not as bad as initially thought but he just can't drop ALL of the socialist rhetoric...
"You'll need the knowledge and problem-solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment. You'll need the insights and critical thinking skills you gain in history and social studies to fight poverty and homelessness, crime and discrimination, and make our nation more fair and more free."
Where in social studies (supposed to study government, or the Constitution for that matter) does fighting poverty and homelessness fall? I know he never mentioned studying the Constitution in that speech. Why? Possibly because it is just one more example of federal law that our imperial masters have never read.
Where in social studies (supposed to study government, or the Constitution for that matter) does fighting poverty and homelessness fall? I know he never mentioned studying the Constitution in that speech. Why? Possibly because it is just one more example of federal law that our imperial masters have never read.
Is this Change? or typical Washington?
I have been relatively silent so far on the increased use of "czars" in Washington. This has been increasing throughout my lifetime, picking up a few here and a few there, under Republicans and Democrats. The obvious reason being the president (again bipartisan misbehaviour), doesn't want any more oversight on his cabinet than he MUST have.
Appointing Ron Bloom as "manufacturing czar"? A banker, turned labor union negotiation thug? I thought the change was getting RID of the special interests, not appointing people with obvious biases into positions where they can exert government force onto businesses, and individuals alike. The only "change" we got this election cycle was which special interests who hold the presidents ear.
Appointing Ron Bloom as "manufacturing czar"? A banker, turned labor union negotiation thug? I thought the change was getting RID of the special interests, not appointing people with obvious biases into positions where they can exert government force onto businesses, and individuals alike. The only "change" we got this election cycle was which special interests who hold the presidents ear.
Health Care....
I haven't really touched on Health Care Reform yet, but I had a perfect example forwarded to me today. I'm just going to post my brother in law Eric Otterness' story here, as it illustrates the failures inherent in government involvement with any system but specifically healthcare. (Thanks Eric, I couldn't have said it better myself. You are an upstanding American, and I'm honored to call you brother). Eric is the owner of a funeral home here in MO.
"It was pointed out to me again this morning why we should all be so very happy to have the government running everything from car business to banking business to insurance business to healthcare business...
I got a phone call at 5:45 yesterday, 9-4-09 in which a VA hospital employee asked me how to spell my business' name and informed me that I would be receiving a call regarding someone who had passed away. Turns out this person passed away at 5:02 p.m. Would anyone care to guess what time I was called to be informed that the body was released? How about 12:20 a.m.? That's right, 7.5 hours later and at TWELVE TWENTY a.m. If they had called in a punctual manner, I could have had the body picked up, embalmed, and made the trip to KC and back, before that time! To make matters worse, this person explained that they had been so "busy that we had to shut down our emergency room." WHAT? A major hospital shutting down it's emergency room? AND a hospital that's supposed to be caring for our VETERANS???
I'm SO glad to know that we will soon be a socialist nation so that EVERY aspect of our lives can be handled in such an efficient manner. Anyone want to bet on whether this gal who had "to do all of the paperwork" stopped for her lunch break, as well as her mandated 15 minute breaks every 2 hours... at a time that they were so busy they had to close the E. R.?
This was a VA hospital. The VA just one of the examples they use to justify the coming takeover of healthcare. This is the type of inefficiency and ineptitude involved when the hospital doesn't have to run a profit. Or I guess we could be like the President and liken it to the Post Office.... Paragon of efficiency, the post office. Need I go on?
"It was pointed out to me again this morning why we should all be so very happy to have the government running everything from car business to banking business to insurance business to healthcare business...
I got a phone call at 5:45 yesterday, 9-4-09 in which a VA hospital employee asked me how to spell my business' name and informed me that I would be receiving a call regarding someone who had passed away. Turns out this person passed away at 5:02 p.m. Would anyone care to guess what time I was called to be informed that the body was released? How about 12:20 a.m.? That's right, 7.5 hours later and at TWELVE TWENTY a.m. If they had called in a punctual manner, I could have had the body picked up, embalmed, and made the trip to KC and back, before that time! To make matters worse, this person explained that they had been so "busy that we had to shut down our emergency room." WHAT? A major hospital shutting down it's emergency room? AND a hospital that's supposed to be caring for our VETERANS???
I'm SO glad to know that we will soon be a socialist nation so that EVERY aspect of our lives can be handled in such an efficient manner. Anyone want to bet on whether this gal who had "to do all of the paperwork" stopped for her lunch break, as well as her mandated 15 minute breaks every 2 hours... at a time that they were so busy they had to close the E. R.?
This was a VA hospital. The VA just one of the examples they use to justify the coming takeover of healthcare. This is the type of inefficiency and ineptitude involved when the hospital doesn't have to run a profit. Or I guess we could be like the President and liken it to the Post Office.... Paragon of efficiency, the post office. Need I go on?
Capitalism, A Love Story.
Funny to me, how no one sees that the epitomy of "do as I say not as I do" liberalism is Michael Moore. All reviews I have found state that his most recent movie does nothing but lambast Capitalism and all the benefits it has provided. If Mr. Moore wanted better health for people here in the US, he could lead the charge to reduce obesity (I think there is a reason he wasn't the filmaker behind Super Size Me). If Mr. Moore was truly concerned about Saudi Oil profits, he would quit driving a big gas guzzling Chrylser (and flying around the world to promote his movies), and would drive a Prius.... But wait, then he would be guilty of selling out the American workers in Flint. Meanwhile he has now released the most hypocritical of all his films. Capitalism, A Love Story. If he hates capitalism, why is he using commercial cinema to get this message out? Who does he think has the money to buy tickets to his money? Go peddle your socialist BS in Venezuela, or Cuba, Mr. Moore. This will be popular with urban hipsters, in their Che (or Obama I guess, now that he has eclipsed Che as posterchild for the Socialists of the world) T-shirts, still living off of mom and dad. Well if you're smart parents, take the opportunity, pay the money and use it as a learning experience for your kids.... Show what an obnoxious blowhard he is who draws unproven accusations and questionable circumstantial evidence to lead people to the "obvious" conclusions that he wants to perpetuate. He doesn't encourage discussion, he ambushes people shouts questions, then when they refuse to deal with a fat, sweaty, underdressed, unkempt blowhard, he maintains that as evidence of their guilt of some unnamed crime. That is the kind of journalism Mr. Chavez needs, feel free to go to Venezuela Mr. Moore, they at least agree with you there.
MORE spendulus???
I'm sure everyone has heard the phrase, "throwing good money after bad". The G-20 summit has decided that they need to continue the spendulus (as if we would expect anything else). The problem that Geithner and the rest of the G-20 members need to understand, was summed up best by Margaret Thatcher, "They [socialists] always run out of other people's money. It's quite a characteristic of them." I predict that the people will react (I hope not violently, but that would be justified at this point) before the money ACTUALLY runs out.
Light at the end of the tunnel. (Dem's don't realize it's the reality train...)
A Pew Research poll indicates Congressional approval at a twenty four year low. The question is this, do Democrats realize that they are galvanizing a base of power against themselves? If so, they will have to completely fold on several of their key issues, such as cap and tax, and health care. If they don't they will break the Democratic base as effectively as George W. Bush did for the Republican party.
It is time to see some real "change" in D.C., instead of the same special interest politics... Who's going to step forward and bring it?
It is time to see some real "change" in D.C., instead of the same special interest politics... Who's going to step forward and bring it?
RIP Van Jones
Van Jones was President Obamas "green jobs" czar. After his political suicide today, I would like to write a suitable eulogy for him. It would go something like this.
Van Jones was just a man. He made youthful mistakes. Some of these include statements that all Republicans are assholes, that 9/11 was a government conspiracy, and then when arrested (wrongfully) during the Rodney King protests in (San Francisco not L.A. riots) came the real gem.
"I met all these young radical people of color -- I mean really radical,
communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a
part of.' I spent the next ten years of my life woring with a lot of those
people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary. I was a rowdy
nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th.
By August, I was a communist."
I'm sure his environmental activity had NOTHING to do with his desire to redistribute wealth, and nothing to do with racial motivation. He (like many other Obama staffers and supporters)had no idea that their inflammatory racist and socialistic statements could in fact come to light, as they never thought that socialism of that level would be in a position of power. We should not hold his statements against him. He was just being youthfully idealistic right?
Van Jones was just a man. He made youthful mistakes. Some of these include statements that all Republicans are assholes, that 9/11 was a government conspiracy, and then when arrested (wrongfully) during the Rodney King protests in (San Francisco not L.A. riots) came the real gem.
"I met all these young radical people of color -- I mean really radical,
communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a
part of.' I spent the next ten years of my life woring with a lot of those
people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary. I was a rowdy
nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th.
By August, I was a communist."
I'm sure his environmental activity had NOTHING to do with his desire to redistribute wealth, and nothing to do with racial motivation. He (like many other Obama staffers and supporters)had no idea that their inflammatory racist and socialistic statements could in fact come to light, as they never thought that socialism of that level would be in a position of power. We should not hold his statements against him. He was just being youthfully idealistic right?
Let me get this straight. The Honduran President is told he can not run for another term, due to the Constitution of Honduras. He decides (illegally) to hold a special referendum vote to change the constitution. The Honduran Supreme Court issues a decision that he is NOT allowed to unilaterally and illegally attempt to change the constitution. He continues attempting to break the law. The military and courts have him arrested and exiled. If I break the law, the police arrest me. Rule of law applies to everyone, government officials included.
The problem that our government has with this situation is that they don't want people to be reminded that government officials can and SHOULD be removed from power by force if they won't follow the law.
The problem that our government has with this situation is that they don't want people to be reminded that government officials can and SHOULD be removed from power by force if they won't follow the law.
Obama on savings and fiscal responsibility
I particularly like the quote from this weeks speech from "The Chosen One"... "The fact is, even before this recession hit, the savings rate was essentially zero, while borrowing had risen and credit card debt had increased."
We cannot continue on this course. And we certainly cannot go back to an economy based on inflated profits and maxed-out credit cards."
Wonder if China agrees... Or is this more of "the do as I say not as I do" liberalism, as the president spends like a Manic/Depressive who forgot to take their lithium?
We cannot continue on this course. And we certainly cannot go back to an economy based on inflated profits and maxed-out credit cards."
Wonder if China agrees... Or is this more of "the do as I say not as I do" liberalism, as the president spends like a Manic/Depressive who forgot to take their lithium?
Obama reaches out to school children in scared attempt to reestablish a base (of sorts).
I think I understand the motivation of President Obama's upcoming address to school children. It seems to be the same reason as having the Jonas Brothers play at inaugural festivities. He is merely reaching out to the only group of voters he hasn't alienated (yet). He made promises to radical groups, because that is where the money and vocal support come from (on both sides), and hasn't been able to follow through on those promises. Now he has to find a way to energize a new base of voters, people who will go out and campaign for him and his ideas. Young people almost always are more left leaning in their economic beliefs, as it is much easier to justify stealing from the "haves" when you yourself "have not", so they are the perfect new base for Obama to pursue.
Think carefully Mr. Obama, as involving young people in your socialistic ideas may backfire when they realize before the next election, that socialism doesn't work. Then you will be left without a platform.....
Think carefully Mr. Obama, as involving young people in your socialistic ideas may backfire when they realize before the next election, that socialism doesn't work. Then you will be left without a platform.....
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