
The comparison between Obama and Hitler.

I had a rare agreement with my liberal sister the other day. She commented on the disingenuousness of comparing Obama and Hitler. Hitler was a fascist, which from the purely economical standpoint is more similar to the neo-con viewpoint of taxing and redistributing to elite business owners. Which to be honest is what the Republicans in the legislative branch are recommending in their versions of health care "reform". They want to REQUIRE insurance, then subsidize those who can't afford it by giving money to insurance companies to cover their premiums. Take from the poor and control the use of the funds.

So let's be honest here.... Obama's plan is more communist than fascist. It is take from the rich and give to the poor. If Stalin was more recognized as the Communist butcher he was, then we could be more accurate when we march to protest this "change" Let's compare Obama to Stalin and we can put the little Hitler mustache on..... Well I guess the Republican party would actually have to put up a viable leader to have someone to hold accountable for their version of socialism.


  1. Bravo! I have an addition to the title of your blog, though it may scare some of those away that may need to read it most... "Thoughts on Life, and Liberty. AKA, the No Bullshit Zone."

    Preach on Brother.


  2. Thanks Justin! I just wish there was a non-socialist party that could break onto the stage and be taken seriously. Unfortunately the George Soros, Ted Turner, Rupert Murdoch (yes he's just as guilty) get to determine who gets into the public eye, and therefore who becomes viable.

    I saw an interesting opinion piece regarding the Republican party and the 9/12 project. It basically told the Republican party to put somebody out there to lead this fically conservative movement, follow this movement or get the Hell out of the way.
